A year ago we were visiting SW FL, now we own a winter home here plus all the new to us repainting, minor repairs, landscaping, etc. This house has a small chemical reactor, er, pool and spa, an ongoing project to keep the chemical levels where they should be. I think it gets more maintenance than swimming time. Never had banana babies before; banana plants have one bunch per stalk and then die but spread through new sprouts from rhizomes. No actual bananas, that takes the traditional 9 months, but the babies sprout pretty quick after transplanting. Everything grows about 4x faster than in the north, and maybe closer to 10x the great white moose swamp. We're on a coastal island, and yes it has a fair amount of swampland making it good for moose.
We got stuck here for the summer due to some medical issues that were a lot easier to have treated in the close by big city than in rural Upper Michigan, 30 minute drive instead of 4 to 8 hours.
Because of trailer space limitations all my wood and metal working tools got left up north, along with the 3D printers and supplies. A Prusa i3 mk3s and the multi-filament gadget are starting to look real attractive, not to mention searching craigslist for bigger tools; Mrs. Moose just said no to a 10" x 4 1/2' south bend metal lathe, plus the decent looking wood lathes that have gone by. I need a chauffeur while my knee is healing so I can't use the beg forgiveness approach, plus the 2 car garage is on the small side and filled with a boat restoration project that likely cost some points. Q3 appears totally dead although I haven't tried googling the participants lately.
Looks like the forum continues onwards, with enough posts to remain interesting. I'll try and check back more often now there's some spare time starting to appear. Every house project takes many times more time than you expected...
We got stuck here for the summer due to some medical issues that were a lot easier to have treated in the close by big city than in rural Upper Michigan, 30 minute drive instead of 4 to 8 hours.
Because of trailer space limitations all my wood and metal working tools got left up north, along with the 3D printers and supplies. A Prusa i3 mk3s and the multi-filament gadget are starting to look real attractive, not to mention searching craigslist for bigger tools; Mrs. Moose just said no to a 10" x 4 1/2' south bend metal lathe, plus the decent looking wood lathes that have gone by. I need a chauffeur while my knee is healing so I can't use the beg forgiveness approach, plus the 2 car garage is on the small side and filled with a boat restoration project that likely cost some points. Q3 appears totally dead although I haven't tried googling the participants lately.
Looks like the forum continues onwards, with enough posts to remain interesting. I'll try and check back more often now there's some spare time starting to appear. Every house project takes many times more time than you expected...
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro, K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro, K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)