2019-07-07, 12:41 PM
Couldn't take being CNCless anymore, ordered a US$200 3020 CNC kit off Amazon after binge watching youtubbies on it. Remains to be seen if it lives up to it's admittedly low expectations.
I think I need to move the mooseshop into a semitrailer and see if the Subaru will pull it. Next up is the super cheap Jet 1221SP lathe (hey, it'll be good for small things when a bigger lathe shows up), then whatever good stuff comes along on the Ft. Myers Craigslist
I think I need to move the mooseshop into a semitrailer and see if the Subaru will pull it. Next up is the super cheap Jet 1221SP lathe (hey, it'll be good for small things when a bigger lathe shows up), then whatever good stuff comes along on the Ft. Myers Craigslist
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, received with bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (incomplete box-o-parts, spindle never received)
Maslow CNC (4'x8' chain drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8" router, grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart Genmitsu 3018Pro
Ender 3 Pro
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, received with bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (incomplete box-o-parts, spindle never received)
Maslow CNC (4'x8' chain drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8" router, grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart Genmitsu 3018Pro
Ender 3 Pro
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)