2020-01-19, 07:26 PM
Been laid up for a while with a knee infection but am slowly getting my ability to sit in a desk chair in front of the computer and CNC stuff back. Can only manage an hour or so at a time but it's getting better almost every day. We're in a seasonal house now and I've gotten a dinky 3018 CNC router along with a more recent Ender 3 Pro 3D printer.
Mostly just dinking around but I started writing a program to do straight line guilloche between surgeries and will be getting back to it when the 3D project list dies down. Used Processing for no special reason other than it did graphics well and made svg files easy, but couldn't figure out how to do clipping (take a square pattern, cut a circle out of it, for example) before I got side tracked, and trying to do a pattern shift (move an individual cut line up or down) needs some bugs worked out.
Mostly just dinking around but I started writing a program to do straight line guilloche between surgeries and will be getting back to it when the 3D project list dies down. Used Processing for no special reason other than it did graphics well and made svg files easy, but couldn't figure out how to do clipping (take a square pattern, cut a circle out of it, for example) before I got side tracked, and trying to do a pattern shift (move an individual cut line up or down) needs some bugs worked out.
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, received with bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (incomplete box-o-parts, spindle never received)
Maslow CNC (4'x8' chain drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8" router, grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart Genmitsu 3018Pro
Ender 3 Pro
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, received with bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (incomplete box-o-parts, spindle never received)
Maslow CNC (4'x8' chain drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8" router, grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart Genmitsu 3018Pro
Ender 3 Pro
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)