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In processing, I didn't know that SVG files have clipping built in. I'll have to pursue that further when I get back to that project.

I just ordered a stack of russian birch and a bit of hardwood, mostly basswood, from Ocooch Hardwoods to get back to using the 3018. My BIL is here for a week, and we're working on my project 1985 Aquaglass bass boat, got the motor tilt/trim working today other than still need to bypass a limit switch (wire broken somewhere inside the remote control, not really necessary) and reverse direction so down isn't up. It came cheap from an estate sale (brother and brother in law are telling me I should have been paid to haul it off Smile ) but a previous owner butchered the wiring. Think the next project is getting the motor (50hp 2 stroke Mariner) electrics working, rebuild the water pump (book says annually so maybe 10 years late) and possibly off to the pros for carb cleaning and checkover, assuming it doesn't immediately explode when cranked over.

It's been suggested the best solution is haul this one to the dump and write a big check for a new one, but not there yet

KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, received with bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (incomplete box-o-parts, spindle never received)
Maslow CNC (4'x8' chain drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8" router, grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart Genmitsu 3018Pro
Ender 3 Pro
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)

Messages In This Thread
Activity - by MisterAcoustic - 2020-01-16, 10:24 PM
RE: Activity - by Mooselake - 2020-01-19, 07:26 PM
RE: Activity - by MisterAcoustic - 2020-01-24, 12:21 AM
RE: Activity - by Mooselake - 2020-01-27, 08:47 PM
RE: Activity - by Mooselake - 2020-01-29, 08:00 PM
RE: Activity - by MisterAcoustic - 2020-02-04, 10:15 PM
RE: Activity - by MisterAcoustic - 2020-04-04, 10:18 AM

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