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Activation Email may contain a warning
Hi All,

If you are using gmail, and perhaps other email services, you may have noticed that the account activation email that you receive from this site includes a warning like:

"This message may not have been sent by:"

This occurs because the email is actually coming from the domain, but is claiming to be from our gmail address. Google recognizes this as a problem because this is one thing that people do when they are trying to impersonate someone else in order to get you to give them information. For example, if the email came from some random domain, but claimed it was from '', then you should be extremely suspicious.

The fix for the problem would be for us to use Google's email servers to actually send the message, instead of sending from Sounds easy, right?

Well, it is. Except for one small detail. Our current hosting provider does not allow us to use Google's email servers with the hosting package that we have. They have a good reason - if they allowed that, if any site hosted by them started sending spam, they would eventually be blocked - and that would affect any other site hosted on the same server. So to protect all of their customers, they don't allow it.

What I will have to do instead is juggle our email addresses such that the activation emails don't claim to be from our google email anymore, but the address that does send the email forwards all replies to the gmail account. Sigh - also not hard, I just have to do it.

In the meantime, the warning text will still appear in the email. In this case, we are claiming to be ourselves, not someone else, so the warning may cause concern for no good reason.

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