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Is anybody still here?
My current project is practicing CNC chip carving, using VCarve Desktop, on a Sainsmart 4040 Pro.  I've been working through several books on non-CNC chip carving and attempting to reproduce the results with VCD's CAD, and learning as I go along.  As with many CNC things it can take a day or more for a 15 minute carve, every project is an attempt to learn something new so there's a lot of trial, error, retrial, and false starts but the average direction seems to be forward.

My latest efforts are reproducing border designs from a Wayne Barton book, currently using variations of v-carved squares, and on my second pass since I forgot to use the actual measurements of my test blocks (a piece of 1x4 which is 80x160mm). No biggy, the drawing is going a lot quicker than the first time.  Each basic design goes into a 2x14 grid of 5mm squares.  Draw one basic element in one square and then flip, rotate, array copy (not always in that order) to fill the whole grid, and then move on to the next style and repeat the process.  VCarving isn't just for text after all
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC  V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro,  K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
Hi Mooselake!

I'm still here, but honestly, probably nobody else. I normally try to check for logged in users every day, as a means to catch any new posts, but I missed yours - I've had a lot going on lately, and I haven't been keeping up like I should I guess.

I do wish I had a CNC machine already - I've had to deal with a giant fallen tree recently, and if I was already set up, I would have another option to consider for what to do with the wood.

I'm happy to hear you're still active in the hobby, and that you posted.

I'm mostly working, and dealing with ... well, less than ideal occurrences. I'm working on making it great for the long run though.

It's hard to keep up if there's only two somewhat active users Smile .

I tried to drag and drop a picture of the latest chip carving, but it didn't take
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC  V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro,  K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
Well, it looks like the upload directory is not configured properly. Probably happened when they moved the site to a new server a while back. Unfortunately, my first attempt to fix it didn't work. I'll have to take another shot at it another day.

Sorry about that Smile


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