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Air Sled Appliance Mover!!!
Hi All!

This thread is dedicated to my new DIY Air Sled Appliance Mover project.

I will be adding detail and images here over time, but for now, I'll just post the links to my new youtube videos about the project:

AirSledPartOne (Introduction)

AirSledPartTwo (Demonstration)

Check them out, and let me know what you think! (Be kind, these are my first ever illustrative videos).

Hi All,

I have a small update. I got a chance to do some testing on the device today, and I'm pretty sure that a significant issue is my hose assembly.

I discovered that the amount of air reaching the feet is dramatically reduced from what's coming out of the end of the leaf blower.

After some searching, I found a decent hose to use for an upgrade. Once I get the hose, I will print a new adapter (already designed, just waiting for final dimensions). It so happens that the hose comes with flexible ends and clamps that can be tightened, which I will use on the ends that go to the feet. That way I won't need to print any adapters for that end.

I'm thinking that the lifting power will increase substantially with this change. I also noticed that the holes in the bottom near to the inlet are passing more air than holes farther away - I may try to plug just a few of those to help balance lifting with friction reduction.

The adventure continues! Smile

Hi All,

I've been a bit busy, but I have a quick update. The hose arrived, the Y Adapter is printed, and the new pieces are all installed.

I even have pictures, but I don't have time to post them right now Smile.

Excellent news - the modifications dramatically improve air flow to the feet, and hence the lifting power.

The dryer now leaps off the ground when the leaf blower is turned on Smile.

In addition, I tried it with my washer (which I assure you is _quite_ heavy). Positive but mixed results - I was able to move the washer! However, the device did not lift the washer completely off the ground. I had to move one side at a time using the built-in handles on the washer. But I moved it by myself!

With a little help from my wife (one hand on each side), we easily slid the washer out and back.

Next up, experimenting with the holes on the bottom, to see if we can maximize the lift just a bit more, while still letting enough air out to form the low friction cushion.

More to follow.

If anyone is interested in more information on how this was made - dimensions, materials and so forth - feel free to post here. The youtube videos are seeing a small amount of traffic, but I can't tell if anyone is really interested - so, speak up if you're curious Smile.

Hi Stan !

I just stumped accross your YT video, and I find the idea fantastic !
I need to move 30cm away a big washing machine with a drier on top (about 120 Kg) to access my heat pump for annual maintenance, witch is right next to it.

Do you still have some pictures / blueprints or anything else regarding your air sled ? Seems not too difficult to build, and I'm very curious about how you did yours, and if you improved it ?

Regards, Jeremie.
Hi Jeremie,

I apologize for the delay in noticing your post - I totally missed it, so it was not approved until now.

I don't have any pictures handy beyond what you can see in the youtube videos (hopefully you saw both, the introduction and the demo video).

I did improve it a bit, but not more than you see in the comments in this thread.

I'm happy to talk about it - if you would like, you should be able to start a thread now without any interference from the admin (me, not noticing the post Smile ). I'm happy to answer any questions you have, and help you get yours built.

Welcome to the forums - again, sorry I missed your post originally.


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