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Joined: Jan 2018
So, when I first joined (a few days ago), I went to upload my Avatar for use on the site, and could not find a way to do it. I could only point the site to the address of an existing Avatar on the Internet. I don't have an existing Avatar on the Internet. Now what?
Next, I was having some problems with OpenSCAD, and have generated some test cases, and was hoping I could find some people to play with them. So, I decided to post over in 3D Printing Software.
My test case code is less than 50 lines of OpenSCAD code (which is easy enough to post as "code"), and a *.DXF file that is 1.5MB.
First, I could not attach the *.DXF to my post, because it is an invalid type. I figured I would rename it with a *.TXT extension, and attach it that way, but then it hit the size limitation.
I ended up canceling my post.
So, now the questions:
1) Any way to upload my Avatar to the site?
2) What are the valid "types" for attachments?
3) Does the site support attaching a *.zip, or other compressed file? Maybe I can get under the size limit via compression.
4) Was 3D Printing Software the correct forum to post with my issue, or was 3D Printing Help the correct forum? My problem is actually with OpenSCAD, which is 3D CAD software, so I thought the Software Forum was more appropriate.
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To change your avatar (this assumes a desktop, don't use the mobile site) -
Click on your current avatar default picture, or on your user id where it says "Welcome back mr_intensity". You'll get a little summary. There's a line that starts "User CP" near the right top of the page. Click on "User CP". The resulting page has a column of boxes on the left, one of them says "Your Profile", and in that is a link that says "Change Avatar". Click that. You'll see the section that says "Custom Avatar". The rest should be obvious.
You might need to resize your avatar image, I just keep a small one (like 200x200 px or so) that I use when necessary. If you're using M$ WinDoze Paint is a quick way to resize, for *nix the Gimp or your favorite photo editor. No idea what works on a Mac anymore but since it's so easy to use <ducks> it should be obvious.
I haven't tried a zip file, but I've never seen a a forum that allows file uploads that won't take them - and we can harass the admin if this one doesn't. Zip files are good for saving space, and attachments add up pretty quick if we regain any of the former popularity from before Q3 self destructed
Zip files before attaching
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro, K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
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The Administrator will respond soon. After he figures out why the admin interface is throwing a 500 Server Error  .
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Joined: Nov 2017
Well, the Administrator is dead in the water until hosting support gets back to him.... me.
So, there are numerous file types that are acceptable for upload, but most of them have restrictions around 1 MB in size. I can't get the specifics like I planned until that issue is resolved.
I'm pretty sure .zip is on the list, but I can't remember the size limitation. More info once I'm able to reach the configuration pages again.
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Joined: Jan 2018
Now, I SWEAR that the upload option was not there before.
Just don't tell my mom that I'm swearing.
So, now I am all Avatarrd and everything. I also had a smaller (32x32) image of the Avatar, that I planned to use as my signature. The update signature screen does NOT have the upload option, but I worked around it. Once I had my Avatar uploaded, I simply gave it the URL of my Avatar, and told it to do 32x32 for the size.
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Hi mr_intensity,
>>>Now, I SWEAR that the upload option was not there before.
You may very well be right. There are some settings that I changed in order to force a users first post to be placed in the moderation queue, instead of going straight to the forum. That's not working correctly, but it does mean that you are in a different user group until you make a post. So, it might be that option isn't available in the initial user group.
I'll look into it - no reason not to be able to create an avatar once you've registered.
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Hi mr_intensity,
Back to your original questions. Mooselake took care of the avatar question, and:
>>> What are the valid "types" for attachments? and Does the site support attaching a *.zip, or other compressed file?
The current list:
bmp 500k
gif 500k
gz 1 MB
htm 100k
html 100k
jpg/jpeg 2.44 MB
pdf 2 MB
png 2.44 MB
tar 1 MB
txt 200k
zip 1 MB
>>>Was 3D Printing Software the correct forum to post with my issue?
Yes, I'd say so. Although, your topic in the 3D Printing Help section might have been better suited to the Filament Printers section (3D Printing Help is supposed to be oriented toward fixing problems with print output.). But, no worries, if I feel the need to move something, I will
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Joined: Jan 2018
Thank you all for your input.
That post with the list of valid file types should probably be posted somewhere other than the middle of this thread, so we may access it easier.
The good news is that I do not need to post my OpenSCAD test case, as I accidentally tripped over what I was doing wrong while RTFM-ing. So, OpenSCAD was not broke. I was. (YAY!)
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Joined: Oct 2017
Hi All,
I have added three more file types to the attachment list.
They are:
.gcode 10MB
.stl 10MB
.scad 1MB
But you can only upload the good stuff
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Joined: Nov 2017
gcode (.nc and .tap are also common suffixes), stl (comes in both text and binary iirc), and scad files are often text and compress very well. I'd suggest making those limits smaller, and bumping up the limit for zip files.
Sorry, been offline for a while, just got too busy (don't let people know you're almost retired, you really don't have unlimited free time to do things for them). On the plus side I now know how to turn excel spreadsheets into large numbers of mailing labels, and that modern printers aren't very good at printing on envelopes any more.
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro, K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)