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I made a 2.5up...but I need spare parts!!!
Hi All, cool to find this group on my printer so long after I bought it.  

My "2.5up" looks mostly like a standard 2up but it has a second Z-axis motor to lift the opposite end and behind the lateral head axis.   I also replaced the controller A fastbot BBP 1s.  It has a built in server so it's just an Ethernet device on my network.   It has the stone heated bed.  I put in mechanical limit switches.

I ran a few tests and found one issue.  Because all the movement torque is applied along only one edge of the table, it torques/twists then relaxes.   It happens every step of the stepper motor.

So I want to run a shaft extension across to the other side of the platform and add a second belt so both sides are pulled at the same time.

So here is my dilemma...  I can't find a new 12 tooth 5mm bore 3mm pitch [I  think 3mm is what it uses] timing pulley.   Does the original manufacturer still even exist?   Or a source for one?

Anyone out there ever change out the pulleys on their machine for a different one and have one from the original they'd like to sell me?

Thanks folks!
Hi Bill,

Welcome to the forum!

I may be able to help you. First, congratulations on diving in, and building and modifying your TwoUp right off the bat.

I've moved on to using my Creality CR-10 exclusively, so I actually have two TwoUps sitting around collecting dust. One is my original (which started as a OneUp, and was upgraded), and the other is a partially assembled kit that I acquired from a friend.

I imagine I can spare a pulley - though I'm surprised they're not available everywhere.

If in fact you would want more spare parts, I can let one or both TwoUps go for cheap. The only thing I might do with one is turn it into a laser cutter, and it doesn't seem likely I'll have time anytime soon.

What part of the planet are you on?

(2020-04-04, 10:00 AM)MisterAcoustic Wrote: Hi Stan,
I'm in the Sagittarius arm of the milky way, about 2/3s the way out fron the core.  There is a meduim sized yellow star there, you can't m8ss it. We spew out FR like nobodied business... keeping the neighbors awake all hours, you know the type.  Third planet out from the star, nice lokking Blue and brown word, mostly water.  I'm on the long thin landmass that starts ina tip fron the snowy end of the planet, bulges out, then tapers back down they bulges out again toward the other end of the planet.
I'm in the top half of that. [We call it North america.]  I'm on the right edge about 47 degrees up from the equator. [You thought north America sounded weird, the place I live is called Massachusetts!  ... I mean, it has so many letters how do you even pronounce that, right?]
So, yah, thats about where I am.  You any pkace close?  [Oh yah, and if you are visiting this rock, better wear full protective gear, we are upgradi g our immune systems in a fairly catastrofic manner.  If your local, you've seen it already.]

I'd be interested in the kit certainly, and maybe the built unit too.  What's your asking price for boyh, the kit, or just the pull?


[Hi Bill,

Welcome to the forum!

I may be able to help you. First, congratulations on diving in, and building and modifying your TwoUp right off the bat.

I've moved on to using my Creality CR-10 exclusively, so I actually have two TwoUps sitting around collecting dust. One is my original (which started as a OneUp, and was upgraded), and the other is a partially assembled kit that I acquired from a friend.

I imagine I can spare a pulley - though I'm surprised they're not available everywhere.

If in fact you would want more spare parts, I can let one or both TwoUps go for cheap. The only thing I might do with one is turn it into a laser cutter, and it doesn't seem likely I'll have time anytime soon.

What part of the planet are you on?

Hi Bill,

Seeing as how my wife would _love_ to be rid of the vast majority of stuff I have laying around, I can make you a deal. At least, I think it's a deal.

If you will pay the shipping, I can send you both machines for $50. I will even throw in the original OneUp parts, if I happen to find them before the box closes. That would be six motors, two power supplies, two controller boards (different ones, can't recall which - I think one is the original and the other is a RAMPS, but I might be mixed up on that).

Now, my old machine has had a hard life - everything moves, but I do not actually consider is usable as a 3D printer - it could easily be used for a laser cutter though. The partially assembled kit has never been fully assembled and run, so I don't know much about it. I do know that what has been assembled could have been done better (loose zip ties).

If that doesn't sound useful to you, I can probably just grab a pulley from somewhere, and send it to you - no charge.

Let me know what you think.

(2020-04-05, 04:29 PM)MisterAcoustic Wrote: Hi Stan, sounds great, not sure what shopping will cost though.  Steppers are heavy, and so are the rails etc.

Not worried about the functionality of the n"working" one.  I build lots of robotics and servo stuff.  The parts will go on to that.  I was thinking it might be nice to put together a delta mache someday.   Perhaps these would be a good place to start.  

As for controllers, the one I have on my 2.5up is a fastbot BBP 1S.  It has a built in server. Very nice.  They dont make them anymore though. [It was based on the processor in the Beagle Bone]  

There is a British company making one that could be its brother though called a Duet.   Has all the same capabilities as the fastbot.  Can be configured for any configuration.  Looks like they have done LOTs of firmware and software for it.

I attached a pic of the wiring so I'll remember how to re-attack the bed heater when I put it bacl together.
Notice the plexiglass base and the plexi verticle brace that mounts the controller... I did all that on a 50W CO2 laser etcher/cutter.  It cuts .2 inch plexi so accurately, I  can make the parts pressfit together.  The whole 2up chassis is mounted on one big plexi plate. You can see one of the extra holes for a hold down tab position I didn't use in the base plate.

With my 2.5up finally working and as accurate and stable as it will be, the two machines will give me some impressive prototying capability!

I'm doing some E-bike development work.  This will come in very handy!

OK, no attachment. It's too big. 

Let your wife know in this case I'm more than happy to help you clean up a bit. :-)

Please ship the bed drive pully USPS for 1 or 2 day delivery.  The heavy stuff will take a while to get here.  The printer is apart on the bench sucking up lots of room!

Private message me and let me know how much for shipping.

Thanks again


Hi Bill,

Seeing as how my wife would _love_ to be rid of the vast majority of stuff I have laying around, I can make you a deal. At least, I think it's a deal.

If you will pay the shipping, I can send you both machines for $50. I will even throw in the original OneUp parts, if I happen to find them before the box closes. That would be six motors, two power supplies, two controller boards (different ones, can't recall which - I think one is the original and the other is a RAMPS, but I might be mixed up on that).

Now, my old machine has had a hard life - everything moves, but I do not actually consider is usable as a 3D printer - it could easily be used for a laser cutter though. The partially assembled kit has never been fully assembled and run, so I don't know much about it. I do know that what has been assembled could have been done better (loose zip ties).

If that doesn't sound useful to you, I can probably just grab a pulley from somewhere, and send it to you - no charge.

Let me know what you think.

It's been a while, but didn't the one and two ups ship in a flat rate USPS box?
KS Printrbot Plus, modified
Thingybot Delta
QU-BD One Up (parts, bad motor)
QU-BD RPM (unassembled parts, no spindle)
Maslow CNC  V4.1 (4'x8' belt drive)
Zenbot Mini (6"x8", grbl_ESP32)
SainSmart 3018Pro, 4030V2, 4040 Pro
Ender 3 Pro,  K1C
BobsCNC Revolution (FluidNC)
(2020-04-07, 12:28 PM)Yes Mooselake, they originally did.  Assembled ones though... not so much. ;-)Bill Mooselake Wrote: It's been a while, but didn't the one and two ups ship in a flat rate USPS box?
Hello WolfBrownie,

Sorry about the file attachment problem - I hope to get to that tomorrow. I'm working at home, and I've been far busier than usual.

I have a plan for tomorrow that includes investigating shipping, and getting all the stuff together. I'll also see if I can get the pulley out first. I don't want to over-promise though - I'll PM you when I know more.

I can probably do some disassembly that should make it easier to ship. When I get the forum fixed for file uploads, I'll post some pics and let you tell me how far to go.

(2020-04-07, 11:17 PM)MisterAcoustic Wrote: Hi Stan,
pretty much anything still made out of MDF can be trashed, crunched, or broken.  I just want the mechanicals.  Rods, linear bearings, Pulleys, belts, drives etc.  Oh, and any beds you have . Smile

Look forward to hearing from you.


Hello WolfBrownie,

Sorry about the file attachment problem - I hope to get to that tomorrow. I'm working at home, and I've been far busier than usual.

I have a plan for tomorrow that includes investigating shipping, and getting all the stuff together. I'll also see if I can get the pulley out first. I don't want to over-promise though - I'll PM you when I know more.

I can probably do some disassembly that should make it easier to ship. When I get the forum fixed for file uploads, I'll post some pics and let you tell me how far to go.

Picture.. Bed disassembled for adding the new dual belt drive for the bed.

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